2 Person Extra Large Bathtub Selection

2 person extra large bathtub selection

One of the most significant debates in the bathroom environment is whether bathtubs or regular showers are better. Both parties have their valid arguments; however, there are specific points where bathtubs are definitely the best idea you can have. 

Of course, it also depends on the conditions and environments in the specific household you are living, but you get the point (hopefully). 

Bathtubs can make the bathing experience ten times better – far beyond just a place you get clean but also an environment in which you can spend some “me time,” relax and leave the worries of the mortal life in someplace else. 

The features of the bathtub carry a significant value if you want the experience and not just the function itself. 

If you have ever checked, you should know that there are thousands of different bathtubs with thousands of different features, and they can be quite luxurious, too. 

There are bathtubs with spa features, jet bathtubs, and many others. One specific type of bathtubs is the extra-large ones. 

Sure thing, there is an excellent chance of you seeing a big bathtub and thought, “wow, that bathtub is a large one.” However, we are talking about big oversized bathtubs, and not just large ones. It might be convenient to refer to them as “extra-large” in this case. 

There can be many different reasons why this specific type of product has a place on the market. 

The basic answer would be “because there is a demand for it!” but why exactly there is a demand for it? 

Because some people may want to have a large environment while bathing, some people are really tall, some people are big, and some people might want to share this bathing experience with other people. The possibilities are endless. 

Moreover, there are also custom-made extra-large bathtubs on demand. But the thing is, the chances of you not finding the type of oversized bathtub you would like to have is quite low because there are lots of options. It is just an option that I would like to remind you of. 

Today, we are here to share with you some of the best extra large soaking tubs available in the market. Without further ado, let’s start! 

Why Extra-Large Bathtubs are a Good Idea? 

When the concept is first introduced to you, it is entirely normal to ask, “why would anyone need an extra-large bathtub?” although we briefly explained the possible use areas of an extra-large bathtub, it may make more sense to detailly explain them to you, and perhaps you decide that you may want an extra-large bathtub?

As mentioned earlier, bathtubs can go beyond just being a place to get clean. If you already own a bathtub, you are probably familiar with the extended bubble bath sessions, and we all see those rich people enjoying themselves in huge bathtubs sipping on their expensive wines.

Well, why not you cannot be one of those people? Perhaps the wine could be a relatively cheap one, but still, you can get the same experience. 

Moreover, some people may not be suitable for regular-sized bathtubs. Unfortunately, the whole world is designed for a “one-size-fits-all” manner when it comes to beds, seats, and of course, bathtubs.

Some people can be pretty tall, tall enough to not be able to fit in a normal-sized bathtub. This does not mean that they cannot enjoy the relaxation it brings to people. The same applies to plus-sized individuals. 

Additionally, extra-large soaking tubs are typically deeper, in which you can get to experience a pool illusion right into your bathroom.

You can dream of yourself as if you are in a spa salon, and with a good extra-large soaking tub, it does not necessarily have to be a dream – because I believe that the experiences will be pretty much similar. 

Lastly, couples that bathe together stay together. That is, if you enjoy showering or bathing with your significant other, you should definitely consider getting an extra-large bathtub.

You can have some romantic experience without struggling with the smallness of the bathtub. If you have children that cannot bathe themselves yet, this bathtub can be a great learning experience since you two can bath together.

If you have multiple children with an extra-large bathtub, you can break free from the bathing experience all at once! How amazing is that? 

To sum up, extra-large bathtubs are definitely not a waste of time, and they can serve great purposes. You are allowed to treat yourself, and you are allowed to enjoy bathtub time no matter which size you are! 

Does Depth Matter in Large Tubs?

Before we move into the products, it makes sense to answer this question. That is a commonly asked question in the large tubs context, which is about depth.

When we are talking about an extra-large bathtub, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably a bathtub large in width.

However, you should note that extra-large bathtubs are also large in terms of depth, which might also be something you want to have. 

As mentioned earlier, extra-large bathtubs can take you closer to a pool or spa experience, so that is one big part of all the fun of having an extra-large bathtub. And hey, if you have children, it can definitely serve them as a pool experience!

To answer the question, the depth matters in large tubes. Of course, it is mainly dependent on what you enjoy and your preferences.

So, it is strongly recommended that you check something out of a decoration catalog. The dimensions and especially the depth of the bathtub you want to purchase before shopping to not get disappointed afterward. 

Altair Design Montague 67″ x 32″ Freestanding Soaking Acrylic Bathtub in White

This rectangular bathtub is one of the greatest favor you can do for yourself. To start with its looks, it looks amazing.

altair design montague 1

It can turn any basic bathroom into something out of a decoration catalogue. It is extremely aesthetic, and you are going to love it. It is made out of acrylic, which is one of the best materials for bathtubs. 

Beyond its looks, it is pretty much functional and easy to use. You may have had some doubts when the concept is first introduced to you, but the thing is, it is just a bathtub when you exclude being extra-large.

However, we shouldn’t just say it’s big in size because I’ve talked about how fun and sometimes how functional an extra-large bathtub can be many times in this article.

If you, too, are bored with your small tub or buying a tub for the first time and want to stay away from the ordinary and boring tubs, this product will be a medicine for you – you should definitely check it out!

Additionally, it is freestanding, highlighting the fact that it will only bring cool vibes to your bathroom.

If you have a simple design theme for your bathroom, it will be the perfect complementary bathtub. It would look really nice with some fake plants around it, just saying. 

The dimension of the product is perfect for having two people in it simultaneously. Whether it’s your significant other or children, you can have some quality time in there without getting all stuck out together.

The long bubble bath sessions will be out of this world, and the only thing that will be disappointing about this product is the fact that you didn’t get it earlier. If you are already excited, you better decide which part of your bathroom you want to put this gem too! 

It is a flat bottom bathtub. If it’s an unfamiliar concept to you, the explanation is basically the first thing that comes to mind: it has a flat bottom.

This can be a great advantage because the great majority of the falling incidents in bathtubs arise from the bottom part that has a little bit of a slope.

Moreover, you can sit in the bottom part without sliding over, and if you want to shower standing up, that will also not be a problem! One bonus information: the drain is located in the middle, so sitting in the corners will be perfectly convenient. 

2 person freestanding tub is an actual game-changer, and you will never know what you are missing out from until you purchase this item and try it out.

There is nothing more you can ask from a bathtub, honestly. You can experiment with different bath bombs, spend a couple of hours sitting there, doing a complicated skincare routine, reading a book, or maybe watching something. 

Altair Design Solace 67″ x 31″ Freestanding Soaking Acrylic Bathtub in White

The following product we will talk about is another gem that you need to check if you are considering getting an oversized bathtub. I would like to once again remind you that large bathtubs are not for only tall people; even the tiniest person can enjoy them. 

altair design solace

The design of this product is more traditional than the previous one, but not in a manner that would bother you.

There is a perfect balance between modernism and traditionality, so if you like the vibe of nostalgia a bit, it can be a perfect option. It is freestanding, acrylic, and white, in which the chances of it not fitting to your bathroom is close to zero.

It has a nice shape, as in a regular bathtub, but the floor part of it adds a bit of spice in general. 

The size and depth of it are perfect for two people to fit in. Moreover, the product’s drain hose is flexible, which gives you all the flexibility you want to have in your bathtub.

I know how tedious the drain hoses that are not flexible, and when you have to arrange yourself according to it.

But hey, we are all about spoiling yourself and getting a little luxurious, so a drain hose that is not flexible wouldn’t be an option in the first place. 

Additionally, this extra-large bathtub (and of course the other ones) doesn’t really have to be all about spoiling yourself, hours of bubble bath, romantic times with your significant other.

There is nothing wrong with just taking a regular bath in regular water and in a socially acceptable duration. Don’t feel yourself too obligated to have the most fun in the world with the bathtub.

But sure thing, it will help a lot when you feel like you can spoil yourself for a couple of hours, that’s the thing I am trying to explain in the first place. 

The shape of this product is oval like a regular bathtub, but it has excellent details around it, and don’t forget the minor detail about it being extra large.

If you are OK with the looks of a regular bathtub and don’t look for something extra, this product might be very convenient for you.

It can really change the energy and vibes in your bathroom, and when combined with different kinds of decoration themes, you can achieve the look you want to have in your bathroom. 

How to make an existing bathtub deeper?

There are some products in the market, such as “deep water bath”, that is said to help with deepening an existing bathtub, but if you really want to make your bathtub deeper physically, you may need to go for some constructions, and even in that case, it might not be possible. So, if you want a deeper bathtub, it is highly recommended to get a new one! 

What are the maximum dimensions for a bathtub?

There are quite large bathtubs available in the market, going up to 17” in height, and can hold around over 80 gallons.

If you are not looking for something that crazy, there are other extra-large bathtubs for tall people and those who just want a large environment during a bath.

Why are extra-large bathtubs used? 

There might be various reasons to use an extra-large bathtub. The first reason is that out of necessity – some people just do not comfortably fit into regular-sized bathtubs.
The second reason might be out of demand because extra-large bathtubs can be a relaxing and entertaining experience. 

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